Our Curriculum
Child-initiated learning in the early years allows children to thrive while making accelerated progress. Young children learn and develop best when they are in a stimulating environment that is carefully organised and equipped to meet their needs, interests and stages of development. Where each child’s progress is carefully observed, managed and enhanced by practitioners who engage and interact with them to support them in making outstanding learning.
Our curriculum aims to help prepare children for future challenges of learning when they transition to school. Our ethos at Pippin is that children learn through play and therefore we carefully plan an environment both inside and outside to challenge children’s skills and knowledge. We predominantly focus on the three core areas of the EYFS when our children first start, Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication and Language and Physical development. We believe that once children feel comfortable in their surroundings they will start to show their personalities and strengths and it is then, that we as practitioners, can observe what our children are capable of achieving.
We have monthly topics which are adapted to follow the children’s interests and this is where we will focus on the specific areas of the EYFS, Understanding of the World, Literacy, Mathematics and Expressive Arts and Design.
Each child is assigned a keyworker and it is the keyworker’s responsibility to observe and record the child’s progress.However, we feel it’s important that every practitioner looks after the children on a day to day basis, so we can ensure the child has someone they feel comfortable with at all times,we understand children form bonds with lots of different practitioners during their time here.
The Superstar children have opportunities to play and learn on the first floor throughout the day, we have lots of learning opportunities, such as cultural diverse topics where the children will be enriched with knowledge about a country each month, they will learn about the countries cultures, beliefs, languages and cuisine.
Our keyworkers are knowledgeable in child development and use their experience to identify and support children’s next steps of learning. Children have time to practice and master their skills each day in order to become confident, independent and resilient.